Just Go With the Flow


Have you ever heard the saying, “Just Go With the Flow'“?

Written By: Diondra Filicetti

There’s a reason it exists!

What is Flow?

In psychology, “Flow” is described as that positive mind state where we are fully immersed in an activity, where every action, movement, and thought flows from the previous one, as if your activity has become a song... note after note.⁠

You might have experienced Flow before. It likely felt as if you were “in the zone” or “on a roll,” performing to the best of your ability. The activities that you immersed yourself in felt natural and your mind and body were connected in all the right ways.

The Results of Flow

When we are in a state of Flow, we have a sense of hyper-focus towards the activity that we are performing, so much so that we are not distracted by anything else around us and we can operate at peak performance.

Therefore, when we are in a state of Flow, the result is often:

More Creativity:

  • In the state of Flow, with a high level of focus on the activity at hand, our brains are more engaged and are better able to come up with creative solutions or ideas, because our brains are fully processing all elements of the task. During Flow, we are less critical, better able to find connections between concepts, and more adventurous in imagining new possibilities.

Improved Performance:

  • Our high levels of concentration, creativity and mental awareness towards the activity in the state of Flow, accelerates our learning and skill development, therefore enhancing our performance. In this state of Flow, we overcome challenges more quickly, find creative solutions and operate with greater efficiency.


  • When we are able to experience activities without distraction, we have the opportunity to take notice of all aspects of our experience and fully appreciate all elements of the activity. This increases our level of happiness and satisfaction with the activity as we discover new ways of thinking, being, and doing, in the process.


  • Engaging our minds and bodies in a state of Flow is related to intrinsic motivation whereby we engage in an activity because the activity itself is rewarding. The Flow state allows us to use our skills and talents to their fullest potential while enjoying the process, thus creating a sense of self-actualization and fulfillment through the activity.

How to Achieve Flow

With so many positive benefits of Flow, it is something that we should all try to achieve. But how do we do that?
Well, here is where you can start to help get yourself into the “Flow of things”:

Remove Distractions:

  • Flow requires concentration and focus on the task at hand. If our concentration is constantly being interrupted by external or internal distractions, flow will be impossible. Start by removing the distractions around you (or removing yourself from distractions), such as noises, moving objects, and our phones. We must also manage our internal distractions such as hunger/thirst, worrying and daydreaming. Prepare yourself for Flow!

Work at Your Biological Peak Time:

  • We all have limited amounts of energy and throughout the day there are points in time when we feel the most energized. Try to find your Flow when you feel energized, not when you are tired and fatigued. Fatigue can be an internal distraction and prevent you from entering your state of Flow.

Have a Clear Outcome:

  • If you lack clarity about what you want to accomplish, it will often cause your mind to get distracted. Improve your sense of focus by concentrating on one single outcome and work towards it.

Make sure there is a Challenge:

  • In order to engage our minds and bodies into a state of Flow, we need to feel adequately challenged. When an activity is too simple, we can easily mentally “check out” and start thinking about other things while performing the activity. Give yourself enough of a challenge to keep your mind engaged in the activity, but not too much of a challenge, in order to prevent frustration.

Easier Said Than Done

So maybe “just going with the flow” is easier said than done. But like everything, practice makes perfect and with these tips in mind, you’ll be in your own Flow sooner than you think!


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