How To Network Like A Pro


Networking can seem daunting, but you would be surprised at how changing your perspective of networking can change your networking experience. 

Many people are uncomfortable with networking because they don’t want to come off as pushy or self-serving, however networking itself, is simply the process of interacting with others. Extracting value from your network should not be your main focus. However, If some value comes out of the interaction, then great! Instead, simply focus on the interaction, and get to know the people in your network, beyond what they do for a living. Find out what they are passionate about, inquire about skills they offer and get them talking about subjects that they enjoy!

The digital era has made networking much easier, because networking can be done online and offline. For those that are less comfortable with in-person or phone communications, social networking tools are excellent ways to check in and build your network!

The Networking Process

The networking process consists of 4 steps: Map, Communicate, Build, Maintain.


Map simply refers to mapping your current network. It involves making a list and organizing all of your current contacts. You can start by looking at all of the business cards that you have collected, your student peers, family members, previous employers and coworkers, and your connections on social media.


Once you have your network mapped out, communicate with your network! Check in with your connections, start conversations and let others know about your interests and the career you are looking to pursue. Make sure to show genuine interest in your contacts and learn more about their interests and their career path. Invite feedback and encourage conversation by keeping communication open.


Grow your current network by starting new conversations and interacting with new people. Online, this can be as simple as browsing social media websites and providing positive feedback to others or asking thought-provoking questions.


Stay connected with your network! Work on strengthening the relationships that you already have by checking in on your connections and staying up to date on what is going on in their lives. Ask questions and find ways that you can bring value to your network by finding opportunities to help.

5 Tips to Strengthen Your Networking Skills

1. Come up with a list of general questions to ask.

In the event that you find yourself running out of things to talk about, or if you have difficulty thinking of new conversation topics on the spot, it is helpful to have a list of questions in your mind to refer to, in order to fill awkward silences.

2. Set aside time daily to check in with your network.

Whether it's 10 minutes, 20 minutes or half an hour, make sure that you are communicating with, building and maintaining your network on a daily basis. Building networking into your day, even if just for a short period of time, will make the networking process seem far less daunting and much more natural.

3. Always be vocal about your interests and things that you’re passionate about.

Sharing your interests will encourage others to connect with you based on a common interest. Maintaining a level of transparency and openness lets people know that you are communicating in an authentic and genuine manner, therefore encouraging others to do the same and strengthening the connection.

4. Change your communication style from statements to questions.

By asking questions, you are actively inviting feedback and advancing the conversation. Making statements about your thoughts, beliefs or knowledge might not always make it easy for the other person to respond, especially if they do not agree with you. Instead, demonstrate that you value the other person’s opinion by asking questions and carefully listening to the responses that you get. Always maintain an open mind and stay positive.

5. Think of networking as “adding value” not “extracting value”.

Many people believe that networking involves extracting value from your network and often start conversations by immediately asking for help. You are more likely to develop strong relationships when you are able to offer value to your connections without asking for anything in return. Many of your connections will appreciate your efforts and return the favour when they can.

We hope that these tips help you feel more comfortable and confident during your networking process.

Don’t forget to network with us online on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter.

Stay Driven!


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